How Piano Lessons Could Benefit Your Child

Posted on: 22 January 2019

If you have a young child and are interested in getting them involved in something besides playing video games after school, you might want to look at getting them to learn a musical instrument. While different instruments can offer different advantages, one classic instrument that is proven to offer multiple benefits to children who study it is the piano. Here are three reasons why you should sign your child up for piano lessons today.
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2 Hollywood Film Directors That Helmed Music Videos For Michael Jackson

Posted on: 7 August 2016

Michael Jackson created some of the most memorable music videos in music history. One unique thing about his videos was that he often hired Hollywood film directors. Unlike some less powerful musicians, Michael Jackson had the power and money to get large Hollywood players and have them work with him on his music videos. Below are two famous Hollywood directors that worked with Jackson. John Landis (Thriller and Black or White)
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Why You Should Consider Music Summer Camp Even If Your Child Isn't Interested In Music

Posted on: 3 June 2016

Are you a parent who wishes that your child was interested in music? Perhaps you have tried to introduce them to music in various ways with little success in perking their interest. If so, as you explore summer camp opportunities, do not overlook the benefits that a music summer camp could offer your little one. The following are some of the benefits that your child could get from music camp even if they are not presently showing signs of interest in music.
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4 Swinging Reasons Your Business Needs A Jukebox

Posted on: 11 March 2016

A jukebox is a fun piece of American history that gives a nostalgic vibe to any location. Whether your small business is a restaurant, a salon, or even a store, you will find that adding a jukebox has some terrific benefits. Here are a few.  Hit the Nostalgia Button A fabulous, old-fashioned jukebox is something that not every business can boast. Clients will enjoy the originality of seeing and listening to the jukebox in your business, and curious folks will be more likely to come take a look.
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